Patina rentals
Patina rentals

patina rentals

It was a real “A-ha” moment, and Patina was born.

patina rentals

I realized that this approach bridged my own personal love for vintage design with my work as an event designer. As I was designing events for my corporate clients, I started to pull pieces from my own collection to infuse some character into the event space. I bought a big old farmhouse upstate and filled it with cool vintage furniture. Patina: I have a thing for vintage couches and chairs-always have. Sweet Paul: Tell us all about how Patina came to be.

patina rentals

It’s a huge part of how we spend our time as a company-constantly refining the whole experience from start to finish,” says Arasa, a 10-year veteran of the event planning business. “I think about the customer experience a lot. When it comes to creating beyond-memorable events, Patina is where it’s at-be it a wedding, a corporate event, or a film or photo set.


Her newly opened studio is located in Brooklyn’s Bushwick neighborhood and is full of her goodies-think 1960s sofas in super-soft teal velvet and a sweet pink Royal typewriter. “We don’t have 1,000 different options, we have a really well designed collection,” she says of her vintage furniture and accessories. For Corrin Arasa, founder of Patina, it’s always been about quality, not quantity.

Patina rentals