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You’ll land on the counter, so just hop down and head for the door on the right. Go up the porch, climb the box, and enter the kitchen through the open window. Run up the field filled with cages to reach a large house. Once it’s safe, cross the knocked over log, jump across to the makeshift ladder, and then make a final leap across the gap. There are several clumps of traps, so you may not get them all with a single toss. Move forwarded and repeat this process, but by chucking pinecones into the leaves.

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Eventually, you’ll whack one, triggering a chain reaction that closes them all. If there are no traps that go off, keep inching forward and slamming it down. Smash it down to clear a path and set off any traps. Grab the stick lying against the rock and drag it over towards some of the leaves. You’ll find the Glitching Remains standing by a dead rat caught in a beartrap. Once you emerge from the log slide, crouch down and head left into the cave. This will cause the trap to snap shut, letting you slide down the hollowed-out log. Eventually, you will reach one blocking your way, so grab the stick lodged in one with the Right Trigger and then whack the trap blocking your path with A (Xbox One)/X (PS4). Keep going right, avoiding the bear traps laying on the ground. This will trigger a rope trap that’s meant for Mono. Hop down the cliff, grab the shoe, and throw it at the pile of leaves on the raised area on your right. You’ll stumble into a small tunnel that leads to the first Glitching Remains. When you jump down at the broken bridge, do not climb up right away. Instead, go towards the rope on the left, jump down, and then climb up the planks of the bridge on the right. Upon reaching the next gap do not try to jump to the other end of the bridge. Wait for the crate to raise back up before jumping onto the broken end of the bridge. Approach the crank and lower the box so you can hop onto it. You will be able to reach the cliff and use the hanging rope to swing across. Once you’re safe, go forward a little bit and then crawl up the hollowed-out log. If you stop running for a second you’ll be crushed by the rolling log. When you emerge immediately hold X (Xbox One) Square (PS4) to sprint down the hill.

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This will et you reach the cliff, where you can sneak under a series of rocks. The next area just requires you to shove a box over the edge and push it to the other side. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you what happens if you touch the wire, so just jump over it. Just keep going until you reach an area with a hanging cage and tripwire. Crawl through the small cave and then run by the net of hanging bodies. Keep going until you reach the vent and use the Right Trigger to open it up. When you awaken, head right and jump across the gap.

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The opening of Chapter 1 is essentially a tutorial on the different controls of Little Nightmares 2. Chapter 1 Walkthrough The Forest of Traps

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We also have a walkthrough for the rest of the game, including the location of every hidden hat and Glitching Remains. If you want to survive or are just stuck in a certain section, below is a complete guide for the first chapter of Little Nightmares 2. However, most of the time you’ll be running or hiding from the various terrors stalking the Pale City. Similar to the original, this is a puzzle/platforming game that has some very light combat mechanics. Little Nightmares 2 is officially live, so it’s time to dawn your paper bag, slip on your tiny boots, and dive into this macabre world.

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